News - October 29, 2018
Bergen, Norway, October 29, 2018 — StormGeo, a world-leading provider of weather intelligence and decision support services, is pleased to announce a significant upgrade to their core forecast engine, to be launched Q1 2019.
The weather insight StormGeo provides every day involves huge amounts of data on the state of the oceans, land surface and atmosphere, such as wave heights, temperature and wind speeds. Combining real-time satellite data, previous forecasts and observations from global weather stations with equations governing physical processes, they are able to calculate future conditions using “petaflop” supercomputers, which can complete a thousand-trillion calculations per second.
Torleif Markussen Lunde, StormGeo Chief Products Officer for Weather Insights, said of the coming upgrade, "Improved weather forecasting has clear benefits for all our clients — incorporating our insights into daily decision making, saving lives and improving costs. By combining StormGeo’s cognitive capabilities with the improved forecasting models, we will increase the accuracy of tailored, data-driven decisions.”
Since the inception of StormGeo over 20 years ago, the company has continuously worked to provide the best possible weather insights. This upgrade will allow StormGeo to continue doing that, in that it will improve their underlying weather data.
The investment results in data volumes that are six times greater than they are now — triggering upgrades in infrastructure, which will lead to product and service enhancements. Throughout the company's two decades of operation, StormGeo has continuously invested in developments that improve the quality of their solutions for their clients.
For clients taking advantage of StormGeo's data science capabilities and DeepStorm models, which combine weather models with client data to forecast actual impacts of the weather, the upgrade means increased accuracy of the forecasts that tell you what will happen to your assets. In addition…
StormGeo plans to implement this improvement in Q1 2019. More information will be released as the details of the upgrade are cemented.