
Onshore Energy

Enhance your weather understanding to reduce downtime, maximize output, and ensure safety for onshore energy production and operations.

Our commitment is to deliver unparalleled safety and security for our clients facing dynamic climatic and regulatory landscapes. 

Wind turbines from clouds

An industry leader with more than 25 years experience.

We empower our energy clients with the critical insights necessary to oversee and enhance their operations, safeguarding their personnel, assets, and the natural environment.

Our company delivers over 10 million annual forecasts to the onshore energy sector, covering more than 68,000 distinct locations worldwide.

With a network of 10 international service centres, we ensure continuous, round-the-clock customer support throughout the year.

Optimise your onshore energy production operations

  • Insights, forecasts and alerts are all delivered through simple and easy to understand dashboards
  • Our certified meteorologists are always available—via telephone, email or even on-site by assignment.
  • We provide site-specific monitoring and alerts to protect your assets and employees.
  • Receive daily threat reports that forecast severe weather conditions

Explore our solution areas

Solutions specifically tailored to the onshore energy industry

Warnings & alerts

Receive precise, early severe-weather alerts to safeguard your people and assets, minimizing potential business disruption from flooding, lightning, wind, and snow. We deliver these in to you in tailored threat reports and alerts.

Lightning & storms

Get timely, precise alerts for severe weather threats like lightning, hail, and tornadoes tailored to your location to protect people and sensitive infrastructure.

Weather forecasts

Our precise weather forecasts reduce uncertainty, ensuring safe, efficient operations and maximizing commercial opportunities by leveraging favorable weather conditions.

Warnings & alerts

Receive precise, early severe-weather alerts to safeguard your people and assets, minimizing potential business disruption from flooding, lightning, wind, and snow. We deliver these in to you in tailored threat reports and alerts.

Lightning & storms

Get timely, precise alerts for severe weather threats like lightning, hail, and tornadoes tailored to your location to protect people and sensitive infrastructure.

Weather forecasts

Our precise weather forecasts reduce uncertainty, ensuring safe, efficient operations and maximizing commercial opportunities by leveraging favorable weather conditions.

Weather risk assessment

  • Get a quick overview of the weather risks at all your locations.
  • Custom weather parameters can be set for each location, allowing you to see not just the weather conditions, but a summary of the risk potential for all your assets.
Weather risk assessment dashboard

Daily Briefings

  • Daily briefings for each region.
  • The briefings cover developing storm systems, existing conditions and the latest forecasts for severe weather events.
Daily briefings

Trigger Alerts

Our trigger reports ties in with your emergency response plan:

  • Issued as soon as a new alert level is reached.
  • Explains what trigger the new alert level.
  • Details expects time to next alert level.
Tigger reports

Tropical advisories

  • Once a storm has formed, we generate our own tropical storm forecasts every six hours globally.
  • These advisories feature a longer, seven-day forecast, allowing for extended lead times, and include our proprietary tools Threatened Regions from Active Cyclones (TRAC) and the Hurricane Severity Index (HSI), to provide a full outlook of the storm and its damage potential.
Travel advisories

Storm impact reports

  • Evaluate exactly how the weather is impacting your business, so you can make the right decisions.
  • Reports delivered in pdf and data sheets, and available through our interactive mapping application. 
  • Report types include 14+ weather perils with detailed criteria:
    • Damaging hail, Tornado outbreak, Major urban flooding, Major urban rainfall, Ice storm, Snowstorm, Windstorm, Dust/sandstorm, Nor’easter, Landfalling hurricane, Wildfire, Tsunami, Major earthquake, Volcanic eruption
Landfalling hurricane report

Overview and hindcast

  • Use interactive dashboards with maps pinpointing at forecast sites and dynamic charts for a 10-day weather outlook, including various meteorological elements and satellite/radar visuals.
  • Retrieve detailed forecasts and historical data analyses to provide you with insights into local wind patterns and turbulence, crucial for efficient energy planning and operational management.
Weather overview page

Dedicated meteorologists 24/7

  • Our meteorologists are available 24/7/365 and based out of ten global operations and support centers.
  • For on-site assignments, a forecaster with the required offshore certificates will follow your operations over an extended period of time. By working on your installation, they can provide immediate decision-support within operational windows. 
StormGeo meteorologists on-site

Asset overview

  • Plan and review the weather windows for all your operations in one view to immediately gauge when you will have working weather.
  • The asset overview is configured individually for each client and project.
Asset overview

7-Day-Ahead forecasts

  • 7-Day-Ahead forecasts based on continuous assessments and corrections of weather and ocean model forecasts by our meterologists.
  • Forecasts are updated several times daily.
  • Available in dashboards and exportable. 
7 day forecast

Long-range weather window forecast

  • Assess long-range weather un-/certainty to effectively plan your operational requirements.
  • Interactive probabilistic 15-day-ahead forecasts of weather windows based on your operational criteria, with daily updates. 
Long range planner

International alerts

  • Combining government issued alerts with our proprietary alerts and threats polygons through a single, consistent, alerting system.
  • Available for more than 40 countries.
International alerts

Critical temperature advisories

  • Hourly temperature data and forecasts based on user-defined thresholds and parameters.
  • Includes winds, pressure, humidity and visibility.
Critical temperature warnings

Lightning proximity alerts

  • Advanced notification of dangerous weather conditions, including lightning strikes, heavy rain, hail, strong winds and increased threat of tornadic activity, based on polygons drawn for your exact location and alerting needs.
  • Receive real-time alerts for observed lightning strikes for safety and critical infrastructure with lightning sensitivities.
Lightning warnings and alerts

Multipoint daily briefing

  • Configurable forecast featuring regional or a roll-up of any assets into a color-coded daily summary.
  • Adjustable color codes and parameters to highlight specific business impacts. 
Multipoint daily briefing

Talk to one of our experts

Get in touch with our team to learn more about what we can do for your business.

Talk to experts