
Report - May 12, 2021

Tropical Cyclone Outlook 2021 and Ship Routing Perspectives

Weather map with tropical storm

Tropical Cyclones have an enormous impact on ships and shipping logistics. Entire supply chains can be disrupted when ships are delayed due to the presence of a cyclone, affecting thousands of people. In fact, the top three priorities for shipping are the safety of the crew, vessel, and cargo. 

In this webinar, we will share: 

How many named tropical cyclones will form in North Atlantic and North Pacific

  • What would be the track probability and activity level
  • The recent development of routing strategies in fulfilling key operation goals
  • Tactical routing tools mariners may use 

Our Presenters: 

  • Petty Leung, Managing Director, StormGeo Greater China

Format: Zoom Webinar

Date: 12 Mayl 2021 (Wednesday)

Time: 16:00 - 17:00 (HKT)

Duration: 1 hour

Language: English