Article - February 6, 2018
A well-predicted megawatt hour is worth much more than an ill-predicted megawatt hour on the power markets. The better we can predict the power output of a wind farm, onshore or offshore, the better we at StormGeo can help wind farm owners. This is why we invest so heavily in continuously improving our solutions, with AI and machine learning at the helm.
On the cost side, knowing when you can work is highly important. Getting the weather windows right — knowing when you can go out, when you can complete your work, when you can get back to shore — is very important. If a weather window is missed, possibly due to an incorrect forecast of high winds or waves, that missed opportunity can incur a heavy cost to the client.
A missed weather window is highly costly, particularly during construction when you have specialized vessels operating. It is also a huge setback when a crew must return before they have completed their work, likely caused by a misjudgment of a weather window. Utilizing accurate weather forecasting services avoids these costly situations.