
Guide - November 18, 2021

Business Continuity Resources

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Key benefits explored

  • Disaster response improvements
    Get a clear, actionable plan for each sensitivity
  • Risk reducution
    Increase your safety and reduce your vulnerability
  • Wide-ranging, tailored support
    Look beyond the obvious threat to your total weather exposure

Business Continuity

Weather is a major cause of business disruption, yet many companies have an outdated severe weather response plan or lack one altogether. We support you to make sure your business stays on track, no matter the industry.

Some weather risks, such as hurricanes, are an obvious threat. However, many organizations are missing out on opportunities to increase safety, reduce risk and increase operational efficiency by considering other possible weather threats. 

"Overall, I'm very glad that we chose to invest in StormGeo when we did, and I think the service was invaluable during our ride out. We have talked internally a lot about how crazy it was that we met with you and Justen just a week prior to Harvey. As you said, very surreal."

Justin Sefcik
Texas State Aquarium

More Than Hurricanes

A StormGeo vulnerability assessment not only allows companies to see their total exposure to weather-related risks, but also provides a clear, actionable plan for how to prepare and capitalize on each sensitivity.

Hand in hand with our weather forecasting services and risk assessment tools, StormGeo offers support and consulting assistance to improve your company’s disaster response plan. Our experienced team of business continuity and risk mitigation experts provide a full scope of business continuity services:

  • Weather Forecasting, Monitoring, & Alerting
  • Hurricane Forecasting
  • Risk & Vulnerability Assessments

Response Plans

  • Create a comprehensive response plan
  • Modify and optimize your existing plan
  • Maintain your plan and test through various drills
  • Train new and existing employees on plan tactics
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