
News - November 8, 2021

StormGeo Awarded Contracts for Weather and Ship Routing Services by Equinor

offshore wind

StormGeo, a leading provider of weather intelligence and decision support solutions, announced today that it has been awarded two contracts for weather and route advisory services provider to Norway-based Equinor, an energy company with more than 21,000 employees developing oil, gas, wind and solar energy in 31 countries. The contracts serve as a continuation of the collaboration between the two companies that began in 2005.

Equinor logo

The contracts are a global frame agreement covering all Oil & Gas, Shipping and Offshore Wind operations with a focus on the core basins of the North Sea and Norwegian Continental shelf. Main services include site-specific marine forecasts for all relevant offshore, nearshore and coastal sites in Equinor’s areas of operation, as well as route advisory services for all oil transportation. The collaboration includes a new emphasis on offshore wind, an area in which Equinor has been investing heavily with their push into renewable energy. Services will be provided to every Equinor offshore wind site, including two in the U.S.

The route advisories provided to Equinor’s tanker fleet will improve safety and reduce overall fuel consumption—further reducing their emissions footprint. Additional services supporting synthetic aperture radar (SAR) coverage, lightning, iceberg drift and rig motion forecasts will be delivered.

Hogne Folkestad, Vice President of Offshore at StormGeo, said of the collaboration, “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to continue our strong relationship with Equinor, which in 2005, propelled StormGeo into a position as global leader in offshore weather forecasting. This contract shows that StormGeo has the joint capability to holistically service clients like Equinor who produce, trade and transport oil and gas.”

Folkestad continued, “Equinor’s commitment to renewable energy while continuing to deliver on their offshore commitments aligns well with how we envision the energy split of the future.”

The agreement includes deliveries for Brazil,  with support from Climatempo, a Brazilian-based StormGeo acquisition. A focus on activity in the Barents Sea will remain, with Equinor requiring high-end support that includes iceberg drift modelling to maintain safe operations.

About StormGeo

StormGeo is a global leader in weather intelligence software and decision support services, with leading solutions in shipping, oil and gas, renewable energy, utilities, cross industries and aviation. StormGeo solutions help customers manage risk, optimize performance, reduce costs and increase revenue. Headquartered in Bergen, Norway, StormGeo has 24 offices in 15 countries. As a participant in the UN Global Compact for Sustainable Business in the Oceans, StormGeo's passion for climate and the protection of natural resources is a motivation to support its customers in making environmentally responsible business decisions. For more information, visit www.stormgeo.com.

About Equinor

Visit equinor.com/about-us/equinor-in-brief

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