
Short to Medium
Term Analysis

Our comprehensive, scenario-based power price analysis, coupled with superior weather-driven fundamental data, and robust in-house modeling capabilities, empowers you to make swift and well-founded decisions. 

How can you make the best decisions in ever changing energy and power markets?

  • Scenario-based planning to help anticipate market trends and price movements.
  • In-house build models with detailed data analysis.
  • CWE market analysis for hourly, daily, weekly, and tri-weekly forecasts across sixteen European power markets.
  • Receive daily EUAs price projections, weather, fuel, industry impacts, and historical data access.
  • Weekly and monthly reports with short-term and scenario-based coal price forecasts for API2, API4, and API8.

Key highlights

In-house modeling

We build fundamental models and methods with a strong emphasis on a combination of economic theory, market models, weather impacts and marginal cost calculations.

Seamless data integration

Our analysis provides current price predictions via our live web service, daily reports, and through API and FTP Server.

Our competence

Our client base includes energy majors, utilities, funds, banks, private investors and shipping companies, with focus in commodity trading.

In-house modeling

We build fundamental models and methods with a strong emphasis on a combination of economic theory, market models, weather impacts and marginal cost calculations.

Seamless data integration

Our analysis provides current price predictions via our live web service, daily reports, and through API and FTP Server.

Our competence

Our client base includes energy majors, utilities, funds, banks, private investors and shipping companies, with focus in commodity trading.

API Now Available

StormGeo is pleased to announce the launch of its cutting-edge API for the Energy and Power Markets Portal.

This innovative API provides clients with direct access to essential energy market data, including price and balance forecasts, cost calculations, switching prices, and weather insights. 

Our API ensures that users receive the most up-to-date information while maintaining comprehensive historical records for a variety of indices and forecasts. This service is designed to enhance decision-making and strategic planning for our clients in the energy sector. 

Access to metadata endpoints is open and does not require authentication. However, to utilize the full suite of forecasts, calculations, and indices, users must authenticate their requests with credentials from the StormGeo Energy portal.

Windfarm analytics

Featured Solutions

A few of the solutions we provide in short and medium-term analysis

Nordic Power Market

  • Power price prognosis - Daily for most traded products from day ahead to next weeks, months, quarters and years. 
  • Weather impact on power balance - Real-time power balance updates using weather models EC, GFS, including daily weather reports. 
  • Hydrology and reservoir analysis par excellence - Divided per price area in Norway, Sweden and Finland, including snow, groundwater and soil moisture, effective precipitation, inflow energy and water reservoir content analysis.  
  • Influence from fuel and bordering markets - Using superior hydrological modeling approaches.  
offshore wind

European Power Market

  • In line with the Central Western Europe (CWE) flow-based market coupling regime, we provide hourly spot and short-term analysis for the next day, week and three weeks for sixteen European power markets.
  • Our fundamental in-house models solve supply and demand, flows and price formation in all sixteen countries simultaneously to find a valid and stable solution.
  • Our portal provides you with a full spectrum of data, both forecasted and historical data and different indices.

Power lines

Emissions Market Analysis

  • Daily and weekly Emissions reports include daily updates on EUAs target price projections, along with comprehensive substitution price indices.
  • Weekly, or by ad-hoc evaluation, we discuss impacts from weather, fuel prices, and industries, such as the heavy-emitter steel sector.
  • We keep account of historical emissions by sector and country, and we forecast future emissions with the same detail. The service is complemented with easy access to data used.
Busy road of cars

Coal Market Analysis

  • Weekly report with short-term directional coal price forecasts for API2, API4 and API8.
  • Monthly report with scenario-based price forecasts for API2 (CIF ARA) front month and next four quarters.
  • We calculate the coal power output for major European countries and the coal-to-gas switching price in Europe. We assess the Global Arbitrage Coal Matrix to depict trade flow opportunities and trends.
  • Daily coal prices around major supply regions provide an overview of the supply and demand balance in the Atlantic versus the Pacific.
  • Freight cost development for all major routes connecting buyers and sellers.
  • Daily arbitrage opportunity matrix in the global coal market helps depict shifts in trade flow trends.
  • Daily coal burn in power for seven major European countries provides an overview of coal demand from the power sector in Europe.
Electricity pylon

Advanced weather

  • Accurate and reliable weather information for up to 180 days in advance. Designed by energy meteorologists for energy specialists, including: 
  • High-resolution regional and global model,.  
  • Manual clustering, ECOO, and EC12, 
  • Daily teleconnection reports, 
  • Monthly- and seasonal forecasts, and 
  • Weather briefings by our experienced team of energy meteorologists.
Tornadic supercell in the American Plains

"In my opinion, I believe StormGeo Analysis provides the most fact-based and objective analysis in the market."

Alexander Arnesen Head of Power Procurement
Elkem Power AS

Speak to our team today and discover how our power market analyses can help you.

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