

Safeguard people and assets while ensuring optimal use of staff and resources with advanced weather analytics for healthcare facilities.  


Emergency Preparedness Guide for Hospitals

This guide will help your emergency management team prepare for severe weather events.

  • Overcome the four most common causes of disaster un-preparedness
  • Solutions to the five major challenges emergency managers face
  • Disaster Preparedness Checklist

Storms can wreak havoc on your facilities, putting patients and employees at risk, not to mention, potentially costing millions of dollars.

Under the weather guide


Patient and employee safety

Customized to your emergency criteria and site location characteristics, StormGeo delivers detailed weather monitoring and alerts to ensure operational efficiency while prioritizing safety.

Maximize operational effectiveness

Increase patient satisfaction and profitability, even in the middle of a weather event. Our planning tools allow you to maximize medical and staff resources and plan operations around disruptive weather. 

Business continuity and decision guidance

Protect lives and facilities with StormGeo's early weather warnings. We will guide you in your decision-making processes, i.e. when to activate emergency disaster plans and/or safely evacuate before your facility is threatened.

Patient and employee safety

Customized to your emergency criteria and site location characteristics, StormGeo delivers detailed weather monitoring and alerts to ensure operational efficiency while prioritizing safety.

Maximize operational effectiveness

Increase patient satisfaction and profitability, even in the middle of a weather event. Our planning tools allow you to maximize medical and staff resources and plan operations around disruptive weather. 

Business continuity and decision guidance

Protect lives and facilities with StormGeo's early weather warnings. We will guide you in your decision-making processes, i.e. when to activate emergency disaster plans and/or safely evacuate before your facility is threatened.

Scott Cormier


"The things we do during weather disasters - whether its moving patients to a hallway or ceasing operations - impacts the care of our patients. We have to have the accurate data, the right data and that's why we invest in StormGeo."

James A. Mitchell (MBA, MBCP)

Texas Children's Hospital

"Good data drives good decisions. When it comes to providing good meterological data to aid in the decision-making process, few are better than StormGeo. Many in our region are deeply appreciative of the relationships we has built with StormGeo and their incredible team as we faced the historic flooding and damage caused by Hurricane Harvey."

David Hughes

Hospital Corporation of America

"When we have a potiential major weather event, we include StormGeo in our conference calls with senior leadership. They provide site specific information that helps us decide how to respond to the event and helps protect the lives of our hospital patients, employees and physicians."

Details and Specifications

StormGeo’s customized weather analytics safeguard people and assets while ensuring optimal use of hospital personnel and resources. Using advanced weather analytics, healthcare facilities can effectively communicate and coordinate with emergency services, maximizing the efficiency and safety of hospital patients, employees and physicians.

Realtime evacuation decision making

Evacuations are costly and cause patients considerable distress. Site-specific forecasts allow your emergency management team to confidently decide whether to evacuate or shelter in place. 

Anticipate surge of in-patient admissions 

Patient volumes can unexpectedly increase during severe weather events. StormGeo’s weather forecasting allows hospitals to plan for patient demand spikes and adjust staff schedules, medical consumables and even food supplies. 

Situational awareness 

Our dashboards provide at-a-glance conditions and risk assessments for all your locations days in advance so you can plan and direct resources to where they will be most needed. Staff can stay updated on conditions near their families so they can focus on patient care. 

Your duty of care is always going to place patient and employee safety as a top priority. StormGeo provides you and your healthcare organization with critical information so that your emergency management team can make the very best decisions to minimize risk and exposure. 

We have solutions designed with the healthcare sector in mind.
Let us help keep your patients safe and ensure smooth operations.

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How site-specific forecasts saved these hospitals millions

Scott Cormier, Medxcel talks about the decision to not evacuate their hospitals during Hurricane Irma, despite being warned to do so by local authorities.

IV in hospital corridor


Under the weather: Disaster preparedness guide for hospitals

This guide will help your emergency management team prepare your healthcare facility for severe weather events.

Hospital corridor

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In this regularly updated forecast, StormGeo's Hurricane Forecasting team looks at current conditions across the Atlantic and Pacific as well as long-range patterns to identify...

National Hurricane Conference 2024

StormGeo is attending the National Hurricane Conference, March 26-28 in Orlando, FL. Join us for daily weather updates and demos of our weather solutions.

Disaster Recovery Journal Spring 2024

StormGeo is attending and presenting at Disaster Recovery Journal Spring 2024 Conference in Orlando, FL. 

StormGeo in California

Atlantic Hurricane Season Forecast 2024

In this regularly updated forecast, StormGeo's Hurricane Forecasting team looks at current conditions across the Atlantic and Pacific as well as long-range patterns to identify...

National Hurricane Conference 2024

StormGeo is attending the National Hurricane Conference, March 26-28 in Orlando, FL. Join us for daily weather updates and demos of our weather solutions.

Disaster Recovery Journal Spring 2024

StormGeo is attending and presenting at Disaster Recovery Journal Spring 2024 Conference in Orlando, FL. 

StormGeo in California